The future is made here and now.

Short episode in the universal history of mushroom civilisation is a sketch of the future. It explores, with a wink, the transformations of human and his habitat between the present and the inevitable end of the world.

The show features nine stories of the triumphs and defeats of the human species, observed by a solitary neural network, recorded in a mushroom language, and carefully stored in the bowels of a myceliumlibrary.

The exhilarating and powerfully visual presentation makes surprising connections between creatures, phenomena and events. It invites the audience to imagine what the future could be. It also invites us to ask: what if the future is already here?

Co-production between Espoo City Theatre and Klockriketeatern. 

Mikhail Durnenkov, playwright and dramaturg
Director Essi Rossi
Scenographer Ksenia Peretrukhina
Sound designer Pauli Riikonen
Costume designer Liisa Pesonen
Light and video designer Ilmari Paananen
On stage Carl Alm, Antonia Atarah, Elmer Bäck, Milla Kangas, Kauri Sorvari , Ruut Neves, Luna Rinkinen, Magda Lehtonen, Monika Lehtonen and Auri Hannus
